I'm the Writer you've been looking for!

I can always give you "great content that will make your business money" but I'm really the writer you want if you're looking for humor, exuberance, empathy and/or HEART. I keep people reading. I bring out the emotions. And I bring readers back to your site.

  • Exuberant voice of Bay Area theater reviews.  
  • Snarky recapper of television shows.  
  • Not afraid to make filmmakers cry.  
  • Obsessive researcher of miscellaneous articles. 
  • Vulnerable author of Pischina.diaryland.com, Winner of Diaryland Survivor 2, Gifted with the Legacy Award by Diarist.net.

TrashTalkTV - "OriginalCyn"

OriginalCyn is a vodka infused vegan whose weaknesses are homemade ice cream and Taco Bell. She lives in the Bay Area with her dog Mr. Parker Posey, and a few other furry friends who are mostly assholes (Cats. The assholes are cats). Her interests are rainy days in bed with a book, watching The Love Boat, and bragging about completing two triathlons several years ago. Her dislikes are dry weddings, Nicholas Sparks movies, and people who point out that Taco Bell is not vegan. My shows: American Horror Story: Roanoke - Entire Season The X-Files premiere, 2016 Below Deck, Season Three Reunion Pt 1 & 2 American Horror Story: Hotel - Entire Season Newlyweds: The First Year, Season Two - Entire Season American Horror Story: Freak Show - Entire Season Utopia, Season One - Entire Season Website closed December 29, 2018.

LostBookmark - Cynthia Corral

I am usually reading one book, one graphic novel and one audiobook at once, completing about 3-4 a week. I generally review according to what category the book belongs – Steinbeck’s East of Eden and King’s The Stand are not even close to the same quality of writing, however they both deserve 5 stars from me. Because I prefer to read most books completely blind, I usually avoid giving much of a synopsis in my reviews and no spoilers whatsoever. If you want the synopsis, click the book cover to go